Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Day 10

Play time is awesome!!!  Mom opens my cage door and I get to go play and explore and the only one that really picks at me is the smallest of the non flyers.  She gives me food and seems to not understand everything that is going on... So I haven't bit her.  I do like the food she shares.  Just today I got to taste a new food called Cheese Puff.. It was pretty good. 

The only other thing that was exciting was when I got startled and jumped to the floor.  Mom let me explore because everyone else was quiet and out of the room.  I tried to fly but mom clipped me really well and so I just glide to the floor.  She did it for my own safety.  She told me stories about other birds that flew into windows or out the door or even the most horrible into ceiling fans.  I DO NOT want to do that.  I am not too worried about the four legged siblings they sniff me but if they get too close I just nip them and they back off.  I think they had never before seen a beautiful Indian Ringnecked Parakeet up close and personal.  I am a beautiful specimen they even make a squawking type sound and bow on the floor too me.  Mom yells at them and they go away but I am not phased by the worship.  I know that I am all that.  LOL.. No I do have some modesty but I do come from a royal family.. My mom says so.  She always says that I am a "Royal pain in the butt".. but that is usually when I am giving her a hard time. 

So I am coming up with nicknames for my siblings.. but I haven't quite decided on them yet..  I have eight siblings four of four legged variety and four two legged.  I don't know what mom was thinking when she named one Christiana... That is TOO long.  One or two syllables is what I am going for.  I want to be able to say there names and Chris-ti-on-a is too long.  Anyway I need to hit the nest and sleep.  TTYL 

Monday, September 12, 2011

Day 9

What a wonderfully yummy day!  They Grayma came to visit this afternoon with seeds and treats and a perch!  How great is that????  So I tried some yogurt covered sunflower seeds and yogurt covered papaya.  To show my appreciation I even took it out of her hand nicely!  I like her.  She talked nicly to me and brought me treats... What is there not to like?!?! 

Mom set up the play gym and I ate my treaties and mom made everyone leave me alone.  So today is a great day.

I am looking forward to tomorrow.  Mom says we will have more play time and she promises I get to eat more treaties... YAY!  Well I am up WAY past my bed time and need to go to sleep. 

Peep at you all later.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Day 8

 My mom decided to set up a birdie playground with a ladder between my cage and the play area.  I wasn't too sure about crossing the ladder but my mom put my FAVORITE treats in a food bowl in the play area. 
 I will do most anything to get to some spray millet.
 I love love love food! 
 Exploring the playground... I think I like it!
 I am on the highest perch.. I am enjoying this a whole lot.

Wow.. I had a long day climbing, chewing and eating... My favorite napping place any where is most assuredly on the top of my cage.  Night night

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Day 7

     What a day.   I played with my mom and the oldest non flying two legged sibling today.  His name is Owen and he is 10 years old...  My oldest sibling he is pretty alright.  They call him Owen... his name reminds me of a bird call.. "Ooooh-innnnnn".  He seems alright.  He sits by my cage when ever mom isn't and he talks to me too.  He says "Pretty Bird" and "Zazu" I chirp at him a little and it seems to make him happy.  I ate some more grapes and some carrots today which I think is tasty.  Do you see the green blanket in the upper picture?  That is my oldest brothers and he's had it since he was just a chick.  He let me play with it for a bit... well... until I started chewing it.  Than he said I couldn't play with it any more... But I am a baby bird.. doesn't he know that I'm supposed to be allowed to chew on stuff?  Well that's the way it should be anyway... Mom is giving me the stink eye so I need to fly off for now.  Chirping off for now.

P.S.  See that is a picture of my "Ooooh-innnnnn" sibling.  I didn't even bite him when he petted me.  At least not that time. ;o)

P.P.S. I guess the mom non flyers let the young ones live in there nests for quite a bit longer than birds do.  It's a good thing that they have bigger nests than birds because man it would be crowded here... Seriously this time... Good night

Friday, September 9, 2011

Day 6

Geesh... NO PRIVACY!  I was minding my own business and had a really good morning with the mom and the baby they gave me lots of treats.  I'd like to point out that I didn't draw blood and I even let mom rub my head...  How am I rewarded?  By being rudely awoken from an afternoon nap by the sound of a shutter and it's mom taking my picture. She needs to get a life or something.  I know I'm a little cute bird but seriously isn't there dishes or something she could be doing instead of waking me up. 
     I think she enjoys giving me different toys and different foods to try.  She put a cocoanut in my cage for me to chew on and I was a little scared of it first but now I love it!  The grapes and apple really scared me as well.  I haven't decided to try it as of yet but I do keep looking at it.... I don't think she would poison me but one can't be completely sure.
     Today is Friday and my mom said that the non flyer two legged siblings would be home for a couple days.  Which might be fun.  They are loud rambunctious and I sure won't get bored.
 TA-TA For Now!

Wow!  Just needed to give a quick update... I love love love grapes!  I am still eying the apple but WOW GRAPES ARE CHIRP WORTHY!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Day 5

     Wow.. let me tell you what my family thought was the biggest thing since bird feeders.  I made a noise today and kept making it and they went crazy saying the same noise back.. lol.. Over and over today I heard "Zazu" from them and I made a sound that resembled it.  I got some outside of the cage time on the floor of the family room.  I played with some toys and ate more Spray Millet.  I wish that they would only give me that stuff because it is great!  Anyway I am on top of my cage chewing on some millet right know and completely enjoying myself.
     I wasn't the nicest bird today though.  I bit my adopted mother a couple times and she has hands that look like she had been attacked by killer... well.. killer birds.  I swear I am not a killer bird nor am I an evil bird I just really have a hard time telling her what I want and she is a bit pushy.  I just want her to leave me alone some times and she just doesn't listen.  Beyond that, day five has been pretty good.  I think I am going to enjoy this family once I find my spot but right know I just wish they spoke Indian Ringneck instead of English.
     Anyway nipping off for now.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Day 4

      I met another non flyer today and she brought me an apple!  Now I wasn't sure about it at first but hey I might really like this one.  She brought me food!  That is a person who knows how to welcome a new member of the family.  The little ones called her Grayma so I figured it must be someone important to them too because they were very excited to see her.  I hope she comes to visit me again because she was amazing.
     Night time.  By eight I am exhausted and ready for bed.  This crazy family doesn't seem to stop but they are nice enough to see that when I am getting sleepy they cover my cage so I can sleep a little better.  I like the privacy and the dark.  I have seen the non flyer tiny ones sucking there strangely clawed wings and it seems to help them go to sleep.  I do something similar behavior I grind my beak a few times and close my eyes and I am out.  Which reminds me it's my bed time.  Please excuse me so I can cling to the perch.  Night to all.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Day 3

 Well I thought I would use the computer a little today.  My mom thinks I am adorable little finger biter.

Me and Romeo my mom says he's just a four legged sibling but I am not so sure about him.  He is a Chug.
I LOVE my seed treats!  I will come out of my cage as long as she has one of these for me.  YUMMMMMY!
My mommy says I am a beautiful Zazu.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Day 2

     Well today my owner made me get out of my cage and brought me to a bathroom where she had set up some pretty neat things for me to do.  I bit her or tried to bite her the whole way there but she seems oblivious of my very sharp very strong beak.  So I played with a toy car and rolled it around the floor and flipped it over a couple times.  She even pushed it back to me after I pushed it out of the area that she made me stay in.  Than I thought I would taste her foot.  That was the first time she has really made a fuss at me but I thought I liked the reaction and tried a few more times but she wouldn't let me get to close to her foot again.  I played with a big plastic screw that was fun to throw and bite and my favorite thing of all was a hair tie that I found when she was looking the other way.  I looooved it but she wasn't sure if I was supposed to have it (it was a stretchy no pull hair tie)  but it was a whole lot of fun.  I could hold it with my foot and chew at it.  She even played toss with me for a bit before she took it away.  I wanted to be higher so I hop/flew to be on her shoulder and she wouldn't let me close to her face... like I a sweet innocent baby bird would bite her... Well she was probably smart because I so like to bite her.  I think she is alright but I really like to bite.  Maybe after a while I will stop but not yet. 
     My family left me home alone today... It was quiet and all I saw was the dogs running around.  They left me alone so it was alright.  When they came home I went to the edge of my cage and did a little dance so the mommy would take me out... so I bit her again and she took me out and we played and she gave me a treat and I bit her some more.  Now I am in my cage for the night and am enjoying the quiet.  So day two wasn't too bad after all.. maybe I will like my new family... only time will tell.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

New Family Day 1

 I am with my forever family.  They are a crazy bunch of non flyers.  But so far life isn't too bad so far.  The mom of the group doesn't seem to care when I bite her which is really strange but they have named me Zazu  Falcon.  I like it.  I think there is a nice ring to it.